Type of Cables
~ The rigidity (non-flexibility) or elasticity (flexibility) depends on;
•diameter of the thread
•cable speed
•non-performed @ performed cable
~ More threads are at the same Diameter, the more Flexible is the cable
NON-FLEXIBLE CABLE ~ Used in areas where a linkage does not pass over any pulleys
~ Available in a 1x7 or 1x19, consists of one strand, each containing 7 or 19 wires
~ Available in both galvanised carbon steel and stainless steel
~ Available in a 7x7 in 1/16 and 3/32 inch sizes
~ Available in both galvanised carbon steel and stainless steel ~ When the cable is manufactured, each strand is formed in a spiral shape (keep strands
TOGETHER, and prevent cable from SPREADING OUT when cut)
~ Gives GREATER flexibility and relives bonding stresses
EXTRA-FLEXIBLE CABLE ~ Most widely used, 7x19, available in 1/8 inch up
~ Extra flexible, made of each in 7 strands, each strand having 19 wires
~ Available in both galvanised carbon steel and stainless steel
GALVANISED cable is more resistant to fatigue than STAINLESS STEEL, but in applications where CORROSION take places, STAINLESS STEEL is used